Mettig, Don’t be left behind
Mettig, Don't be left behind
Mettig, Klaus. Don’t be left behind. (Text: Julian Heynen, Ingrid Hötzl, Frank Wagner. Übersetzung: Ben Letzler). Göttingen, Steidl (2010). 4°. [310] S. mit teils doppelblattgr. Farbtafeln. OLn. mit farbig illustr. OU. Erste Ausgabe. – „Klaus Mettig has traveled through numerous countries since 1973 in his search for photographs that tell the stories of people’s lives, cultures and relationships to their histories. This book combines breathtaking panoramas of Asian cities with portraits of their residents and restores to the term “globalization” the complexity which is often painfully absent in political discussions“ (Steidl). – Tadellos.
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