Pavlov, Lectures on conditioned reflexes
Pavlov, Lectures on conditioned reflexes
Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich. Lectures on conditioned reflexes. Twenty-five years of objective study of the higher nervous activity (behaviour) of animals. Translated from the Russian by W. Horsley Gantt. With the collaboration of G. Volborth. And an introduction by Walter B. Cannon. (3. u. 1. Aufl.). 2 Bände. New York, International Publishers (1941). 8°. 414 S.; 199 S. mit 1 Portrait u. 9 Tafeln. OLn. mit goldgepr. Rückentiteln. Garrison/Morton 1445. Haymaker/Schiller, Founders of neurology 250 ff. McHenry, Garrison’s history of neurology 226 f. Vgl. DSB X, 433. Horblit 83. PMM 385. – Der oft fehlende zweite Band in erster amerikanischer Ausgabe. – Zuerst 1926 und 1927 veröffentlichte „Vorlesungen über die Arbeit der Grosshirnhemisphären“ (erste deutsche Ausgabe, Leningrad 1932). – „The elaboration of these experiments and their extension to children demonstrated how great a proportion of human behaviour is explicable as a series of conditioned reflexes. Indeed some psychologists seem nowadays to believe that behaviour is all. Pavlov’s results are, indeed, clearly complementary to those of Freud and many regard them as of more fundamental significance. Like Freaud’s, this was the work of one man and a completely new departure. Pavlov was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1905“ (Carter/Muir zur russ. Orig.-Ausgabe von 1897). – Rücken etwas aufgehellt, gutes Exemplar.
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