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NEUER E-KATALOG: Neueingänge Juni 2024 – PHOTOGRAPHIE / PHOTOGRAPHY – wichtige Fotobücher von 1839 bis heute, darunter zahlreiche Widmungsexemplare und Bücher mit Orig.-Photographien (kann unter „Aktuelle Kataloge“ abgerufen werden). Printexemplar (304 S. mit zahlreichen farb. Abb.) mit einem Vorwort von Manfred Heiting und einem Literaturverzeichnis ist zum Preis von 30,— € erhältlich. – Außerdem finden Sie Beiträge von uns im virtuellen „Schaufenster“ des Verbandes Deutscher Antiquare (VDA) (oder über „Links“ VDA) – Versandkosten ins Ausland auf Anfrage. – Besuchen Sie uns in unserem neuen Ladengeschäft in der Kaiserstrasse 99 in Karlruhe (Mo.-Fr. 11-18 h., Sam. 11-16 h) mit einer reichen Auswahl seltener und schöner Bücher aus allen Gebieten, Graphik und Photographien.

Nishiyama, The untouched light Yokohama

Nishiyama, The untouched light Yokohama

Nishiyama, Hideaki. The untouched light Yokohama / Yokosuka 1994-95 (Japanisch). (Book Design Kiyoshi Suzuki). Tokyo, Ryumieru (1995). Quer-Gr.-8°. 67, (5) S. mit 59 Tafeln. Illustr. OKart.

Eines von 500 Exemplaren. – „A collection of photographs by Japanese photographer Hideaki Nishiyama „The Untouched Light Yokohama · Yokosuka 1994-95“. Born in 1938 in Shanghai, he returned home with his family in the year following the end of the war, and moved to Tokushima, Osaka, and Tokyo afterward, and lived in Kamakura. As a 17-year-old high school student, he met a poem by Katsue Kitazono, and participated as a co-person in Poetry Magazine „VOU“, which he presides over. It is said that he lived in charge of poetry for almost 10 years. In 1978, she became interested in photography on the occasion of her daughter’s birth, and she started her own photography while working as an advertising agency, and held the first exhibition in mole in 1995, and was published on that occasion. Is the book. As the title, it is composed of snaps taken in Yokohama and Yokosuka, but it makes sense of the depiction of light and shadow (darkness), and it is certainly poetry. According to the person, „a photograph has a mysterious time structure that repeatedly circulates consciousness and sense from self to object, from object to self.“ Book design that brings these series of photographs into a poetic and aesthetic one. I am in charge of a representative of Japan, Kiyoshi Suzuki“ (Verlag). – Sehr gutes Exemplar.

Unser Preis: EUR 140,-- 


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